Ofsted Good Provider


Travel Options for North Bromsgrove High School Students: 

To find the most convenient way to get to North Bromsgrove High School, please use the online journey planner linked here

Alternatively, we do have two school buses that cover a wider area that may be difficult for a standard bus service, please see the school bus timetables below.

School Bus Timetable

 NBHS School Bus Service 1 = BG22

Fairfield / Bournheath / Dodford / NBHS

NBHS School Bus Service 2 = BG34 (merged with former S83 route)

Well Brook Nursery / Alvechurch / Hopwood / Cofton / Barnt Green / Blackwell / Burcot / NBHS


Please find below the Worcestershire County Council School and College transport policies:

 Travel Policies

 Click on the below link for WCC School and College transport policy web page WCC Transport Policy Web Page