Ofsted Good Provider

Support and Financial Assistance

Support & Financial Assistance

Sixth Form students receive continual support and guidance throughout the year.  Our sixth form tutor team is hugely experienced and will meet with their students daily. Working alongside our Head of Sixth form, we also have a dedicated Student Support Officer based in the heart of our facility.

Students are assessed frequently, and their attainment monitored against targets set at the beginning of the year. We expect parents to be active participants in this process and keep them regularly updated on achievement and progress.

Our Sixth Form team work hard to prepare all students for successful life beyond the Sixth Form, whether that be study at university, via apprenticeships or, for a few, access directly to the world of work. Students are guided through UCAS applications and the preparation of a successful and effective personal statement. 

Students will receive a wealth of advice and guidance including a programme of visitors and speakers from a range of institutions enabling students to make informed decisions about their future. The Sixth Form also provides specialist support for those students who wish to apply for the most competitive courses such as medicine and dentistry, or have ambitions for Russell Group universities, including access to bespoke support for Oxbridge applications.

Financial Assistance: 16-19 Bursary Fund

The school has a fund given to us by the Government to help students in vulnerable groups continue their education. This fund is for the provision of discretionary bursaries targeted towards those young people who face the greatest financial barriers to continue in education, such as the costs of transport, curriculum trips, meals, books and equipment.

To check if you are eligible, please see the information in the pdf below and apply using the application form included or contact sixth form via email:  nbhs6th@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk. Please state “Bursary - Sixth Form” in your message heading.

Bursary Policy Bursary Application Form

Bursary Continuation Form  Bursary Additional Claim Form

Financial Assistance: Free School Meals

A student may be eligible for free school meals (FSM) if their parents are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
·       Income Support
·       Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
·       Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
·       Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
·       The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
·       Child Tax Credit, provided the parents are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
·       Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax credit
·       Universal Credit – household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits)
Students may also get FSM if they receive any of these benefits directly, instead of through a parent. 
Further details are available through Apply for free school meals

What do I have to do?
If you think your daughter/son qualifies for additional funding, please apply through Worcestershire Children First: 
Free school meals | Worcestershire County Council or call 01905 845280 These methods of application are quick, easy and allow parents/carers to utilise the existing account set up initially to apply for a school place. Once you have applied, you will receive a confirmation by email and the school will be informed directly.


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