Ofsted Good Provider

Remote Learning Student Guidance

Remote Learning Student Guidance

NBHS Remote Learning: Student Information


It is important that remote learning mirrors your ‘normal’ day and therefore you will follow your timetable and attend tutor time at the end of each day. You will need to be punctual to every lesson.

You need to follow the Acceptable Use Policy and ensure that you are engaging and contributing to every lesson to the best of your ability and not hampering learning. Every second counts!

Live lessons will take place in your normal subject slot and will last for 60 minutes. The last 10 minutes is for you to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, hydrate and prepare for the next lesson.

A register will be taken at the start of every lesson and staff will check that you are actively engaged periodically throughout the lesson. We encourage you to feedback and ask questions throughout the lesson. If a student is truanting a lesson, then a communication will be sent to direct parents.

Homework will be placed on Classcharts and lesson resources will be placed into MS Teams.


What if I cannot attend my lesson?

In the unlikely event that you are unable to attend a lesson you should email Ms Belmonte Attendance Officer jbe@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk on the morning of your absence at the latest. You will need to catch up on the work.


Safeguarding live lessons

1. Students should, if possible, be in a private place with as few interruptions as possible.

2. Students should have their camera turned off and their microphone turned on but should behave exactly as they would in a normal lesson.

3. The live class may be recorded so that if any issues arise, the video can be reviewed.

4. Language and behaviour must be appropriate, including that of any family members in the background.

5. Written transcripts, via chat for example, during the lesson may be kept for 30 days.

6. The online lesson will be scanned by the schools internet safety software for any inappropriate language.

7. Students will not be able to share their screens unless requested to by the teacher.

8. The individual chat function will be disabled.

9. Any messages sent and received will be kept in the school’s audit logs.

10. Staff and students must not remain in the virtual classroom 1 to 1 at the end of the lesson.

11. Leaders will periodically visit lessons to ensure content is appropriate, offer praise and recognise good work.

12. If a student has any concerns about the online lessons, they should report them immediately to their Progress Leader.


What might a remote lesson look like?

The lessons are likely to include the elements below:

1. A review of prior learning: prompting you to think about what you have learnt previously and how this will help you with your next steps.

2. Explain: There is likely to be some explicit teaching to help you to understand the class material. This might be a video, reading, PowerPoint.

3. Practise: Students will be taught a small amount of new information, then given a chance to do something with it before moving on. This will allow your teacher to see how well you are grasping the concepts. You will be able to put your hands up (virtually) so that you can ask any questions you might have.

4. Reflect: There will be points during the lesson where you are expected to reflect on what you have learnt after you have completed a piece of work.

5. Review: There will be opportunities to review the learning in the lesson and think about common misconceptions and how you might apply the learning to a new situation.

6. Independent Work: You should “leave” the online lesson understanding your next steps for learning. This may involve completing a homework style task or further reading that will extend your learning.


Preparing for the lesson

Ahead of your lesson, please think about what resources you may need. For example: the equipment that you will need to access the lesson (e.g.calculators, pens, paper, textbook, previous learning tasks, etc.) Evidence of a specific task that you were asked to complete ahead of the lesson.


Online conduct and appropriate behaviour

Remember that this is a normal lesson with your subject teacher. Lessons maybe recorded for safeguarding purposes.

We have the same high expectations of behaviour and conduct that we would have if you were in a classroom.

Failure to adhere to these expectations will result in a referral to your Year Leader and Headteacher and further sanctions may apply.


Joining an online lesson

We've prepared a quick video on how to access Teams: