North welcomed all the schools across the Shires Multi Academy Trust to our January INSET day. Our CEO Lee Gray, talked to over 400 staff about the five-year vision for our Trust where all schools across all phases, have clear aspiration to be the best they can be and serve their local community. The ability to network across schools is essential as we share expertise and a united determination to ensure that our children and young people get the very best from their education within the Shires. Our values of nurture, equity, service and wisdom are key: these are the areas that we will strive to deliver to ensure that all children leave from their time with us knowing they can make their next steps with confidence.
Our guest speakers included Oobah Butler who had attended two schools in the Trust: Feckenham and Ridgeway. He spoke about his own journey and inspiration to follow ambitions and carve a path less travelled with confidence. We also focused on well being, mental health and explored ways of dialling down stress and valuing our own lives beyond the roles we all have in our schools.