Ofsted Good Provider

North social action

North social action

Year 9 and 10 students from North Bromsgrove have participated in a social action project with athlete mentor Kelvin Batey, a four times BMX world champion. As part of Dame Kelly Holmes's ‘On Track to Achieve’ mentoring programme, the students have supported the local charity The Basement Project by creating gift hampers ‘from girls to girls’ as part of mental health awareness week. The hampers contain an array of items including self-care products and sweet treats.

The charity support young people aged 16-25 with any issues they are experiencing, particularly around homelessness and the prevention of homelessness. As well as a drop in facility, floating support and a mediation service, the charity have a food bank. The students collected food donations at school, contributing to the outreach initiative to provide families in the local area with food parcels during the school holidays. The students helped package over 170 food parcels which will be distributed to 12 schools within Worcestershire over the next week.